Dear Friends & Neighbors,
Thank you for your interest in the Lake Placid Central School District. We are proud to provide an exceptional educational experience for the students of Lake Placid and Wilmington. The 2023 - 2024 school year is an exciting one for LPCSD. After considerable planning with community and school partners, the District has implemented a new Strategic Plan this year (Click Here). Our vision of a school community that is united, engaged, and empowered is both aspirational and already apparent in many ways.
Over the next five years we are committed to making continued progress in the areas of academic excellence, innovation, and well-being. Some of the ways in which we are positively impacting our students in these areas include:
The continuation of the WOODS program, providing Wilderness education opportunities for
students to connect with the natural resources and beauty of the Adirondack park;
A new state of the art weight room facility, providing students with strength training, cardio
training, and popular extra-curricular programs like boxing;
The creation of Elementary and Middle-High Innovation Labs, providing students with access to cutting edge technology in the fields of robotics, design, manufacturing, industrial arts, coding, and software development;
The launching of NWEA diagnostic data tools in Mathematics and English to provide timely and accurate data to teachers, students, and parents on educational strengths and growth areas;
The continuation of the Community Schools program, providing students and community members with community resources, enrichment activities, community classes for adults, and a network of partners to better engage our school and community;
The gradual adoption of the Science of Reading at the Elementary School, providing research-based skills and curriculum to promote literacy and a life-long love of reading;
The creation of student-led volunteer organizations, such as Interact and Student Council, providing students with a framework to improve the communities where they live;
The adoption of greater farm to table dining options and free meals for all students, providing students with nutrition and an understanding of the benefits of healthy eating;
The investment in state of the art technologies for staff and student use, including wifi and network upgrades, one to one devices with touch screen capabilities, and one stop access to myriad applications through programs such as Class Link;
The enhancement of valuable life skills for students, such as: job and career training with community partners, financial literacy classes with regional banks and accountants, life skills days where students learn the basics of adulting (sewing, how to change a tire, etc.), and opportunities to increase civic engagement through field trips, volunteerism, and internships.
My goals as Superintendent for the 2023- 2024 school year, include:
Curriculum & Development
1. Implement NWEA programs and establish baselines in Math and ELA for all K-11 students by June 2024.
2. Implement data analysis processes for grade level and departmental teams throughout the 2023 – 2024 school year.
3. Develop a framework to share student data with parents and students in support of academic goal setting, with full implementation to take place in the 2024 – 2025 school year.
Social Emotional Learning
4. Build awareness of the newly adopted NYS Social-Emotional Learning Standards with the District Mental Health Team over the course of the 2023 - 2024 school year.
Facilities Improvement
5. Develop a facilities improvement plan in coordination with the Building Conditions Survey to identify areas necessitating improvements and/or repairs over the next 10 years.
Student and Staff Wellness
6. Promote staff and student wellness by increasing the number and frequency of school wellness activities and events for staff and students as compared to previous years.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Superintendent. I look forward to working in the service of the students of Lake Placid and Wilmington, as we make new strides as a united, engaged, and empowered District.
Kind Regards,
Tim Seymour
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: 518-523-2475 ext. 3002
Fax: 518-523-4971
Tim Seymour