Here is the athletic schedule for Friday, May 12th and Saturday the 13th:


3:30 Golf vs. Peru: Matches are at Craigwood
4:30 Modified Track @ Ausable Valley: Meet is at their HS (1490 State Hwy 9N, Keeseville)
4:00 Modified Baseball vs. Chazy: Game is at the Kordziel Fields
4:00 Modified Softball (Blue) vs. Chazy: Game is at the ES
5:00 Girls Varsity Lacrosse @ Malone Game is at their HS (42 Huskie Ln, Malone)
5:00 Boys Modified Lacrosse vs. Canton: Game is at Schroeter's Field


9:00 Varsity Track @ Queensbury Invitational: Meet is at their HS (409 Aviation Rd, Queensbury)
11:00 Varsity Baseball @ Crown Point: Game is at their HS (2758 Main St, Crown Point)