Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Jodi McKinnon
French Teacher
Ext 5274
Cheryl Megliore
Teaching Assistant
Ext 5272
Karyssa Merrihew
Technology Integration Specialist
Ext 5202
Mandy Mihill
First Grade Teacher
Ext 4856
Michelle Minnoe
Teaching Assistant
(518) 523-2474 Ext 5254
Megann Monahan
Kindergarten Teacher
Ext 4801
Tammy Morgan
Science Teacher
Ext 5241
Thea Moruzzi
Social Studies Teacher
Ext 5237
Jeffrey Nemec
Dean of Students/Athletic Director
(518) 523-2474 Ext 4005
Kelsey Nemec
Grade 6 English
(518) 523-2474 ext4169
Joshua Nugent
MHS Cook Manager
Ext 4171
Aileen O'Connor
Ext 4010
Kaitlin Patenaude
MSHS Library Media Specialist
Ext 4131
Pat Patterson
Head Mechanic
Ext 4701
David Patterson
Middle Hight School Custodian
Samuel Perkins
Middle High School Grounds
Ext 4512
Rebecca Philion
Elementary Art Teacher
Ext 4813
Sheila Preston
Teaching Assistant
Ext 4847
David Preston
MSHS Custodian
Ext 4123
Terry Preston
Outdoor Maintenance
Ext 4512